Learn how Sleep Deprivation is Affecting you?

Getting less than an adequate sleep period (7-8) hours is known as sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep affects overall health, wellbeing and makes you prone to severe medical conditions. Moreover the long terms effects of sleep deprivation are as follow:


Sleep deprivation affects mental health too, and especially those who are already struggling with mental health are likely to have insomnia or other sleeping disorders. A lack of sleep might also make it hard for a person to remember things, make new memories, and even learn new things. The problems include DEPRESSION, BIPOLAR DISORDER, ANXIETY DISORDER, ADHD, etc. 


The long term effects of sleep deprivation may not just be confined to brain functions but also affect other organs. The mood changes have been linked to sleep deprivation, and mood swings have been linked to anxiety, confusion, irritation, fatigue, lack of vigor, etc. 


  • The CDC recommended that adults should sleep at least 7 hours each night. 

  • By doing meditation or yoga - mindfulness training, breathing exercises, etc. 

  • Regular exercise during day time. 

  • Limiting the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, incredibly close to bedtime. 

  • Keep the bedroom quiet and 


Long term sleep deprivation can harm a person's mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing and energy at academy or work and the overall quality of life. If there are so many long-term sleep deprivation signs, one should contact a medical professional for a proper checkup and health.


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